testing. testing. 1. 2.

Taking the CMP exam isn’t something you have to do without help.  Well, that’s not true.  You DO have to take the test on your own.  But the path you take to GET there doesn’t have to be a lonely one.

What I’m saying is – take part in a study weekend!  PCMA puts on some GREAT programs to help planners study for the exam.

For example, if you’re in the Chicago area, you could attend THIS program, November 13-14, 2009, in Oak Brook.  AND, you could learn about contracting, budgeting and how to take the test from yours truly!  Yes, that’s right, boys and girls, I’m joining the very capable instructors of the annual November study weekend!

There’s no published deadline to register (except that you must pre-register – no onsite registrations are accepted), and you receive a fantastic binder with all kinds of additional info included in your registration fee.

You also have the opportunity to take a pre-test before and after the course, to see what areas you might need to focus on (both during the course and on your own).

And, one of the best benefits is that you have the opportunity to extend your CMP study network – start a study group with your fellow participants and you’re getting that much more out of the study course!

Hope to see you there!

2 thoughts on “testing. testing. 1. 2.

  1. Krys says:

    Kristine, I know what you mean! It’s torture waiting for the tiny little envelope that contains such BIG news! If they still use the same company, keep your eyes peeled for an unassuming envelope from Prometrics (I almost missed MY letter!).

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